Mushroom & Broccoli Pasta
10 ingredients, 15 mins, 2 servings
2 tbsp Walnut and Sundried Tomato pesto
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Brown rice spaghetti (go with your preferred portion size on this one)
½ head of broccoli, separated into florets or 150g tenderstem broccoli, roughly chopped (I use a mix of both if I have it to hand)
1 large red onion, finely chopped
200g mushrooms, sliced
1 clove garlic, diced
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 chilli, finely chopped (optional)
1 fillet mackerel (smoked or plain cooked) per person (optional)
Gently fry red onion in a little oil until it has softened. Add balsamic vinegar, simmer for 1 -2 mins until vinegar is sticky. Set aside.
Cook pasta as per instructions on pack.
Whilst pasta is cooking stir fry the mushrooms, broccoli, garlic and chilli (if using). This takes about 6- 8 minutes on a medium heat. The mushrooms should be cooked through and the broccoli cooked but retaining some bite.
When the pasta is cooked save ½ cup of pasta liquid then drain the pasta. Return the pasta to the pan and add the walnut pesto and the 2 tbsp olive oil. Stir thoroughly until the pasta is fully coated. If you prefer more of a sauce you can add the reserved pasta liquid at this point to thin and make more of a creamy sauce. (I recommend doing this 1 tbsp at a time to get a consistency that works for you).
Share the pasta across the bowls. Top with the balsamic onions then the broccoli and mushroom mix. Add the mackerel if using. Season and serve.