Massaged Kale Salad
4 ingredients, 5 mins, serves 1
1 portion green, beluga or puy lentils (you can cook your own or buy a can or pack of precooked).
1 portion of rice (I like red rice for this but wholegrain brown or a mix with wild rice would work too).
1 portion of massaged kale (about 100g)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp olive oil
1 portion roasted sweet potato
5 dried apricots, rehydrated in hot water, drained and chopped.
Mix together, season and serve
This salad for one is designed as a bit of a fridge raid so do substitute ingredients for anything that you have to hand. The 5 mins assemble time is assuming you are using pre-cooked lentils, rice and sweet potato.
To massage the kale pull the softer leaves away from any woody or thick stalk. Put the kale into a large bowl and add 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. Rub the oil into the leaves for about 1 min until all leaves are evenly coated. Squeeze on the juice of half a lemon. Mix and leave to stand whilst you prepare the rest of your salad.
This makes a good base for a more substantial salad. I like combining with griddled Mediterranean veg, roast red onion, pesto and halloumi. It also makes an accompaniment for chicken and avocado or for fish. You can play around with flavours adding dressing of your choice.