Carrot Cake Porridge
12 ingredients, 15 min, serves 2, easy
1 cup oats
½ cup sultanas
1 medium apple, coarsely grated
1 medium carrot, finely grated
2 cups milk of choice (dairy works really well in this one or something creamy like almond)
Pinch of ground nutmeg
½ tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp vanilla extract
To top:
1 tbsp chopped walnuts and 1 tsp sunflower seeds per person
1 tsp maple syrup per person (optional)
Apple rings (optional)
If you are making apple rings then cut an apple into circles approx.. 2 – 3 mm thick and lay out on baking sheet. Bake in oven 160C for 10 – 15 mins, removing slices as they start to brown.
Meanwhile, place all porridge ingredients into the pan and stir well to combine together. Add ½ cup of water and cook on a low heat, stirring occasionally to make sure that the porridge doesn’t stick. As the porridge starts to thicken and cook keep adding water until the oats have broken down giving the porridge a creamy consistency. I usually add in total 1½ – 2 cups of water depending on how slowly the porridge is being cooked (the slower the porridge the more liquid it will gradually absorb.
If you are looking for an all in one version that you can stir occasionally whilst getting on with other things then start with 1½ cups of water with all of the other porridge ingredients. Your done when the porridge has gone from watery to thick and creamy looking.
Top with the walnuts and sunflower seeds (and syrup and apple slices if using).
My basic porridge to which I add a whole range of toppings is approx. ½ cup oats, 1 cup milk and 1 cup water per person, cooked slowly to form a thick, creamy porridge. I tend to use either oat milk, almond milk or cashew milk. Of the three oat is the creamiest and cashew is the lightest and imparts the least taste into the porridge. I tend to combine this with vanilla and nut butters to add flavor and texture.